Fontina & Prosciutto Stuffed Chicken and Wine!

Need a fresh new chicken recipe to surprise and amaze your guests? Look no further, we’ve got something extra special just for you! ‘Fontina & Prosciutto Stuffed Chicken with Spring Vegetables’, it’s fairly easy to make, makes quite a beautiful presentation on the table, and tastes superb. And, it’s so filling you’ll hardly need much else. A bowl of white rice is a nice compliment or a few golden buns to soak up all that yummy creamy sauce would be just perfect. Fontina cheese, chopped prosciutto or ham, a bit of tarragon, earthy-tasting asparagus with a whole lot of sweet peas, olive oil, sliced scallions, and a pinch of salt and pepper will make an everyday piece of chicken taste like it was cooked in the latest fancy restaurant.

And have a little wine while you’re spending a few minutes in the kitchen, why not! Pair this filling recipe with our Merlot or Red Wine Blend. As a matter of fact, it would do splendidly with our Cabernet Sauvignon too. ….You’ll have to be the judge on which one is best. 

~ Cheers!

Special Dinners

So, what does one want with their finely laid-out dinner? Not just rich, decadent dishes or the perfect tray of colors, not just an easy recipe that “looks” complex, nooo, oh no! You want it all!!! A smooth Merlot, perhaps a spicy Cab. You want a beautiful centerpiece too, one that’s interesting, something to inspire intriguing conversation. Maybe you go for some low lighting, or even better, candles, (they are so relaxing in the winter months.) For fine dining, there’s nothing better than to bring out the china or your most treasured glassware. Use that pretty dish you’ve got hiding waaay in the back. Hey, if you’re going to do it, take it all the way, right?! There’s nothing quite like a special dinner just because! And we want to help you get there. So, here are a few ideas to get you started on that very luxurious evening you won’t even have to leave home for.

We’re all familiar with the quickly made Spaghetti Dish, but dressing it up with finely grated carrot, freshly crushed rosemary, dried sage, chicken or beef broth, and additional toppings like black olives, pan-seared pepper (just to name a few) is going to make for a whole new experience. Spaghetti has a wide range of possible ingredients which gives it all the more potential. Add in a little fine china, Cabernet Sauvignon, and get ready for the perfect evening.

We’re just thrilled to share this Strawberry Salad recipe with you and yours! Just looking at it you’ll know it’s brimming with all sorts of amazing flavors, ready to take each of us to our happy place. Strawberries, purple grapes, walnuts, dried cranberries, and feta cheese — “Oh my”! Impress your dinner guests with an equally tasty salad dressing with extra virgin olive oil, tangy lemon, honey, dijon mustard, sea salt, and black pepper! Pair this flavorful symphony with our Merlot or Red Wine Blend.

Semi-sweet chocolate chips, a bit of brown sugar, vanilla, and cocoa, this decadent, yet simple Chocolate Cobbler will delight and satisfy anyone looking for just a little more after the table has cleared. Pair it with any one of our red wines and you’ll be over the moon and all smiles.    

Create a great atmosphere by playing music or a favorite movie quietly in the background. You could even fashion a place on the table for a small board game like chess, to bring in the right energy for the evening. Make it your centerpiece. It’s your personalized fine dining, how do you see it laid out? Try something new, and be creative, luxurious dinner ideas are endless! AND don’t get too hung up on what utensils go where, ehh…that’s kind of a grey area anyway, isn’t it? You be the judge.  

~ Cheers to fine dining!!

‘Happy New Year 2023’

Welcome, January, welcome 2023! However you choose to celebrate the New Year, one thing is for sure, everyone loves fresh new beginnings. The New Year is a great opportunity to consider some things we’ve put on the back burner or to just appreciate what is going right in our worlds today. If making some huge resolution is too much of a cliche for you, then by all means forget it. Consider doing something you can set your sights on instead, like getting the pantry organized or making that list you’ve been thinking of. As the saying goes “you do you”! No need to feel overwhelmed, or sidelined. Life goes much smoother when we can relax into it. And to help you relax into the New Year Celebrations, we’ve chosen a great soup recipe that has all the taste of comfort, freshness, and intrigue that come with new beginnings.

Creamy Parmesan Tomato and Spinach Tortellini Soup     

YOU are gonna LOVE this soup! It’s spicey yet smooth and has a symphony of down-to-earth flavors like basil and spinach which go perfectly with tangy tomato and bright-tasting parmesan. It has the perfect texture and is pretty too. Combine this soup with our Merlot or Red Wine Blend and you’ll have the perfect pairing! 

~ Cheers to 2023!